Experience the Transformative Power of Love and a Soul-stirring Journey With My Novels

Author of Love and Life's Journeys
Books have the power to transport us beyond reality, introduce us to new beginnings, and teach us the depths of love. As a passionate reader and professional writer, I seek to create stories that evoke a range of emotions, from laughter to tears and everything in between.
My novels explore love in its many forms – from the love between a man and a woman to the love of a child, our parents, and even nature. Each story is crafted with care, offering a glimpse into a world where love conquers all.

Author, Barbara J Duell
To hold a book, read the back cover and peek inside is like an appetizer—an enticement that stimulates our desire for more. And I have always wanted more. My life has been surrounded by books, both as a voracious reader and as a writer. I sought to learn as I gave way to dreams that allowed me to travel beyond reality.
There is no rhyme or reason, no theme for the words that find their way into my books, except love. And so I write about love, that indescribably wonderful feeling that only love can convey. Stories that tell of new beginnings, relationships that need care, tales where lust rules the happy hour, but only love can bring a happy ending.
I write about the love of a child, our parents, nature, and the love between a man and a woman. Stories filled with laughter and tears, tantrums and reason.
I am pleased to announce that my new book, 'The Far Side of the Rainbow, launch in June. You're always welcome. These are exciting times, and I ask you to join me, let go and open your mind and imagine as you journey with me to another place.

Coming Soon
The Song of the Blackbird
A conservatorship is a court case where a judge appoints a responsible person to care for an adult who cannot care for themselves or manage their own finances. It is a valid necessity, but not always.
After suffering a massive stroke, Ian Farris’s life hangs in limbo, a dark place filled with uncertainty where strangers rule. Gone is his identity, given to a stranger, sanctioned by the court. As he struggles to regain lost time and a sense of place in a dreary nursing home, he is blindsided by those who control his daily life until one day, Alison Talbot, a tall, dark-haired woman with compelling, magnetic green eyes, wanders into his room to serve her court-ordered time of community service.
And so begins their fight to regain what has been stolen from him, a journey not easily traveled but worth every step.

Discover Bestselling Novels
Immerse yourself in the captivating worlds of my novels, including Beyond a Dream, Theo's Diary, Beyond Love, Come Hear the Whisper of Time, The Legend of the Eagle Feather, and A Place by the Bay. Available in both paperback and eBook formats, these stories will leave you longing for more.